Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Almost forgot to include this!

Back in the Saddle Again... I hope...

OK, so I'm the first to admit it, I have a major issue with starting to do something and sticking to it. Walking being the perfect example. I can walk for weeks straight, and then... nothing. But for now, I'm walking again.

I'm starting out small and slow. A little over two miles at lunchtime when I can get my butt motivated. I figure if I can do it 3 days a week then when my real training walks start up again then I should be in decent shape and ready to get really moving.

So today I was walking and saw a total reminder of why I'm walking... a pink ribbon on the back of a Jeep with the word "SURVIVOR" in it.

If that woman could fight her way through Chemo and Radiation I can certainly get my arse moving.